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Техническая поддержка




LEVEL 1 (3-7 mm)

RANGE OF APPLICATION: It is used to achieve the required smoothness of old and new concrete surfaces on foundations under light load, in garages with rare traffic, workshops, warehouses and living quarters, as well as for preparing for use of various floor finishing materials.

PROPERTIES: It fills bottom roughness of the primary structure and provides a smooth surface. Easy to apply, does not require unnecessary labor. Resistant to wear with high hardness of the surface. Provides an appropriate surface before facing with carpet, parquet, epoxy, ceramic tiles, PVC, etc. Used  thickness is 3-7 mm.

SURFACE PREPARATION: The surface on which the solution will be applied must be strong, clean and dry. Too smooth surfaces will need to be roughened. A primer is applied to the moistened surface. Application is started after disappearance of milky appearance of the applied primer.

PREPARATION OF MORTAR AND APPLICATION: Powder (5-7 liters of water/25 kg of powder) is mixer by a manual medium-speed mixer. After (3-5 minutes) the liquid solution is poured onto the surface, it is spread over the surface with a spatula. To prevent formation of air bubbles on the surface, a roll with tweezers is used. If you need to make two layers, you must wait until the first layer has dried. If more than 24 hours have passed, the primer must be re-made.

CONSUMPTION: 1.7 kg/m² (layer thickness 1mm).

PACKING AND STORAGE: Supplied in 25 kg craft bags. The shelf life in dry places where there is no danger of freezing, in the original packaging, if stuck on each other with no more than 10 rows is 1 year from the date of manufacture. After opening the bag, it is recommended to use it within 1 week. Close the neck of unused packages tightly.


It is forbidden to add any foreign materials (lime, cement, gypsum, etc.) to the prepared solution.

Do not use an expired solution by mixing with water or with a dry solution.

It is recommended to use the temperatures from + 5oC to + 35oC.

During the first 24 hours after application, IZOSTOP® must be protected from exposure to the sun, wind, rain and frost.

It is forbidden to apply on frozen surfaces.

Do not use in direct sunlight.

The liquid component is recommended to be stored in a dark place at the temperature of +5°C / +23°C.

Do not go beyond the scope of these instructions regarding the application surface and method of application.

Do not breathe. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water; if necessary, consult a doctor. For all other questions related to the conditions of use and technical questions, please contact us for advice.

CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY: The above data were obtained in vitro. For more information, please contact our technical department.